Buy the anterior pelvic tilt worksheetWhen you have an anterior pelvic tilt, it often comes from tight hip flexors, and/or weak hamstrings. These stretches and exercises should help.

The first two stretches are for your hip flexors and your quads. There are many ways to stretch these, and it will help loosen up your hip and pelvic area in general.

Next, to strengthen your hamstrings, you can do a bridge or a single leg bridge. This also helps strengthen your glut muscles as well.

Then you will strengthen your gluts and hamstrings together with some quadruped exercises, or getting on all fours. Leg extensions, and heel raises are a great way to strengthen the whole hip area.

Also, stretching your low back can give you a lot of relief as well. A good stretch for this is the prayer stretch or child’s pose.

You also want to strengthen your core and abdominal muscles. Crunches and crunches with rotation are a great way to get them stronger.

The last two exercises are a little higher level, and you might not be ready for them in the beginning. If you can’t do them with proper technique, then you are not ready for them. Squats and lunges are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings, gluts, quads, and all the muscles in your lower body.

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