You can have trouble with your balance for many different reasons including injuries, inner ear issues like vertigo, and even general weakness. This video will show you balance and coordination exercises while you are moving. So you might want to get near something to hold onto for balance. You can also use your cane if you need to.
The first exercise is going to be like you are walking on a tight rope. We call this tandem gait. You might call it the drunk test. Put one foot right in front of the other. Try to look straight ahead if you can. If that is too difficult, you can put them close together, but not right in front of the other. If this becomes easy to do, then you can move your head from side to side, or even up and down while you are walking.
The next movement is going to be the Grapevine or Crossovers. You will start off going sideways. Take the outside foot and cross it over the other foot. Then step out moving in one direction. Now take the outside foot and go behind the other one. It will almost look like you are braiding your feet. If this becomes easy to do, then you can move your head from side to side, or even up and down while you are walking.
Now you are going to walk up on your toes. Try to stay up the whole time keeping your heels off the ground. Then change it to walking on your heels with your toes in the air. This one is actually a little harder so make sure you have something sturdy to hold onto if needed.