Purchase the 9 Standing Exercises for Seniors Worksheet

Purchase the “9 Standing Exercises for Seniors” Printable Worksheet Take the exercises in my Standing Exercises for Seniors – Real-time Routine video with you anywhere … even places where you don’t have access to a computer! The printable...

Purchase the 9 Seated Exercises for Seniors Worksheet

Purchase the “9 Seated Exercises for Seniors” Printable Worksheet Take the exercises in my Seated Exercises for Seniors – Real-Time Routine video with you anywhere … even places where you don’t have access to a computer! The printable worksheet...

Purchase the 5 Varicose Veins Stretches & Exercises Worksheet

Purchase the “5 Varicose Veins Stretches & Exercises” Printable Worksheet Take the exercises in my Reduce Varicose Veins with Stretches & Exercises video with you anywhere … even places where you don’t have access to a computer! The...

Relieve Peripheral Neuropathy in the Feet & Legs

Peripheral neuropathy is basically when the peripheral nerves become damaged. One of the most common symptoms is a numb and tingly “pins and needles” feeling in the hands and/or feet. Here are some stretches & exercises that can help provide relief in the legs....