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These core strengthening exercises are great for improving your core strength. This can help prevent injury, increase core stability, and improve balance. This video starts off with some beginner core exercises and then progresses to some harder ones.

Progress through these core strength exercises at your own pace. If this is your first time doing core exercises, you may not be ready for the last ones yet. It’s better to do the easy ones first and then see how you feel the next day.

The first exercise is a pelvic tilt. This is great to get the core moving, and strengthening the whole pelvic area.

The second core exercise is going into a bridge. This not only works your core, but it also works your glutes and hamstrings. If two legs are easy, you can do them with one leg at a time.

The third exercise is with a Swiss or therapy ball. A prayer plank on the ball is a great way to activate your core. You can do this modified or a full plank.

Next you will do a trunk rotation lying down with your feet on the ball. This is great for your oblique muscles. You can also do the trunk rotation seated on the ball. Using a weight will give you an extra workout, but you don’t have to use one.

Now for some harder ones for core strengthening. This one is in tall kneeling, and you will lean back slightly. You can have someone hold onto your feet, or you can place them under something for support. When you are ready, you can do them without any support. This works your core, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

Finally you will do a standing march with elbow tap. You can do this on the same side or opposite sides. Try not do bend your back forward, and use your core to lift your knees.

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