Have a Product Giveaway on Ask Doctor Jo

Thanks for your interest in having your product featured in a Giveaway on Ask Doctor Jo! NOTE: To participate in this program, we must have already produced (or be in the process of producing) a Product Feature Video for the product you would like to have in the Giveaway.

I have three different ways I can do a Product Giveaway. These levels and the fee involved for each are described below.

And please check out the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page for more details.

If you’d like to move forward with featuring your product in Giveaway on Ask Doctor Jo, please contact us and let us know which level you are interested in purchasing.

A BRONZE LEVEL giveaway will feature your product in a giveaway for the Ask Doctor Jo audience.

PRICE: $250

A BRONZE LEVEL Giveaway Includes:

  • Management of the Giveaway and the collection of entries (prize fulfillment to be paid for and handled by you).
  • One custom designed webpage to contain the details of the contest and the method of entry.
  • One email blast about the Giveaway to subscribers of the Ask Doctor Jo newsletter (2,000+ subscribers)
  • Four posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Facebook page
  • Four posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo YouTube Channel Community Tab.
  • Four posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Twitter page.
  • Four posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Google+ page.
  • One post on Ask Doctor Jo’s Facebook, YouTube Channel Community Tab, Twitter, and Google+ pages to announce the winner(s) after the Giveaway is complete.

Want more frequent Social Media posts about the giveaway? Consider the SILVER LEVEL.

Price: $350

A SILVER LEVEL Giveaway Includes:

  • Management of the Giveaway and the collection of entries (prize fulfillment to be paid for and handled by you).
  • One custom designed webpage to contain the details of the contest and the method of entry.
  • One email blast about the Giveaway to subscribers of the Ask Doctor Jo newsletter (2,000+ subscribers)
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Facebook page
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo YouTube Channel Community Tab.
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Twitter page.
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Google+ page.
  • One post on Ask Doctor Jo’s Facebook, YouTube Channel Community Tab, Twitter, and Google+ pages to announce the winner(s) after the Giveaway is complete.

Want to get the full impact of Doctor Jo announcing your product giveaway in a video on her YouTube channel? Consider the GOLD LEVEL.

PRICE: $500

A GOLD LEVEL Giveaway Includes:

  • Management of the Giveaway and the collection of entries (prize fulfillment to be paid for and handled by you).
  • One webpage for the details of the contest and the method of entry.
  • One video with Doctor Jo announcing the Giveaway posted on the Ask Doctor Jo YouTube Channel.
  • One email blast about the Giveaway to subscribers of the Ask Doctor Jo newsletter (2,000+ subscribers)
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Facebook page
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo YouTube Channel Community Tab.
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Twitter page.
  • Six posts about the Giveaway on the Ask Doctor Jo Google+ page.
  • One post on Ask Doctor Jo’s Facebook, YouTube Channel Community Tab, Twitter, and Google+ pages to announce the winner(s) after the Giveaway is complete.


Still have questions? Check out these FAQs.

Can I get a Discount?
Yes. If you purchase a Giveaway Package at the same time you purchase a Product Feature Video, or if you purchase two or more Giveaway Packages at the same time, you’ll get a 25% off discount on the Giveaway Package(s).
How many entries can I expect?
This is impossible for us to know. A lot will depend on which package you select, the perceived value of your product, the popularity of the product, and how much you promote the contest to your own viewers.
Can I have access to the email addresses, contact info, etc. of the people who enter my Giveaway?
No. We are very protective of our users’ data. At no point will you have access to their information. We will send you the name and shipping info for the winner(s), but we expect you to destroy that information after the prizes have been delivered.
Can I send you the products, and then you send them to the winners?
No. To prevent the need to ship things twice, we will send you the name and shipping info for the winner(s) once they are selected. You will be responsible for shipping the prizes to the winner(s).
How long does it take to set up a Giveaway?
We require 3-4 weeks to set up a Bronze or Silver Giveaway and 6-8 weeks to set up a Gold Giveaway (to allow time to shoot and edit the video). If you have a specific date in mind that is outside of these guidelines, just let us know.
How long will the Giveaway last?
A giveaway will last for 14 consecutive days.
Can I pick the date the Giveaway will start and/or end?
Yes, most likely. As long as we don’t have another giveaway scheduled, and your requested start and or/end dates meet the timeline we need to set up the giveaway, we can start and/or end the giveaway on any date you want.
Can I host the giveaway on my own website?
No. To protect our audience, we require all giveaways with the Ask Doctor Jo audience to be hosted on our website.
Can I limit the Giveaway to just US residents?
Yes. If you have shipping limitations or other restrictions (i.e. an age limit) you’d like to place on the Giveaway, just let us know.
Still have questions or want to move forward? Please contact us.