Greater trochanteric bursitis, aka hip bursitis, can be very painful & debilitating. It can be caused by trauma to the area, a tight IT band/TFL, or even an issue somewhere else in the body, like the back, knees, or ankles.
These stretches & exercises may help relieve the pain caused by Greater Trochanteric Bursitis.
Start off with stretching on the floor, bed, or couch. An IT band stretch with a strap and a figure four stretch are great ways to stretch out the IT band, TFL, and glutes to loosen up the hip area.
Next, for strengthening, a four way hip lying down for hip flexion, hip abduction, hip extension, and hip adduction will help balance and strengthen your muscles.
Hip rollouts in hooklying and clamshells are also great ways to strengthening the hip area.
Finally, a standing IT band stretch, or I like to call it the ballerina stretch, will help stretch the whole body from the ankles to the shoulders.
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