Sponsored Content: This video contains paid product placement. Thank you to Victor Tech for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free Edge Desk System to use. If you purchase products from these Amazon Associate links/ads, Doctor Jo will earn a commission from qualifying purchases.
Click here and to purchas an Edge Desk.
These easy ways to improve posture are great if you sit for long periods at a desk, in your car, or even at home. All this sitting, especially when your posture is out of whack, can cause pain in a lot of different places.
The first way to improve your posture is to make sure your hips and knees are at about a 90 degree angle. This is allows you to have good posture and distribute the weight evenly through out your body.
Next is to have your hands, wrists, and elbows in a comfortable position. Having them too low or too high can cause pain in all those areas including your shoulders.
Also, keep your feet flat. If you are shorter, you can use a stool or box to make sure your feet aren’t dangling down.
An alternative way to help your posture is to use a kneeling desk. The folks at Victor Tech sent me their Edge Desk System to try. It is another great way to keep good posture, and take some pressure of areas like your hips when sitting for a long time. It easily adjusts to a wide variety of configurations, and it folds down pretty flat for easy storage when not in use.
Now for some exercises to help with posture starting with a chin tuck.This is a great way to not only strengthen your neck muscles, but also correct your posture. Second is a scapular or shoulder squeeze. This helps strengthen the thoracic muscles and help prevent your shoulders from rolling forward.
Finally a chest or pectoralis stretch is a great way to open up your chest and help prevent your shoulders from rolling forward.
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