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Want to learn more? Here we go!
HEP Builder is a quick and easy home exercise program creator for healthcare professionals. It’s 100% web based and is easily accessible from any modern web browser. You always have access to the most up-to-date version of the software, and there are no expensive upgrade fees or new modules you have to purchase in order to get access to a certain set of exercises. You get unlimited access to the entire HEP Builder library from day one.
- Select the desired area of the body for a listing of exercises, or use the Search feature to find exercises even faster. You can also search by diagnosis in the search box.
- Preview the exercises, and/or add them to the HEP by clicking the plus icon.
- Preview your HEP and make any customizations you need.
- Print and/or email the HEP to your patient. Even save the HEP for future use if you’d like.
HEP Builder is Customizable
- Brand your HEPs with your company logo, name, email address, phone number or whatever you like.
- Can’t find an exercise you need? Just request it using our contact form. We’ll get Doctor Jo to perform the exercise and promptly add it to HEP Builder.
- Edit any exercise description to fit your individual patient’s needs.
- Save frequently used HEPs for one button HEP creation.
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