Buy Sitting Too Long Exercise WorksheetSponsored Content: This video contains paid product placement. Thank you to Cyber Bay for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free Yokaro Seat Cushion to use. If you purchase this product from these links/ads, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.

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Sitting for long periods can cause a lot of pain including low back pain, leg pain, butt pain, and numbness in tingling in the legs and feet. Here are 5 easy ways to help prevent pain from sitting all day.

The first one is a seated hip flexion. This does a great job of taking some pressure off your legs while you are sitting, and they are easy to do without even standing up.

The next one is a long arc quad (LAQ). This is another easy one to do while sitting, and it works your quad muscles to help get the blood flowing in your legs.

The third way is to help prevent sitting pain is to use a seat cushion. The folks at Cyber Bay sent me their Yokaro seat cushion to try out. It helps take pressure off the lower back, legs, coccyx area, and it also helps put you in a good neutral posture.

Then you will do a seated heel/toe raise. These are so easy you can do them several times through out the day. They make the calf muscles work as a natural pump to not only help prevent pain, but to also help prevent DVTs or blood clots in your legs.


The last one is a simple sit to stand. This is a great way to get the whole body moving and your blood flowing to prevent pain through out the body from sitting too long.

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