Back Pain Relief

These back pain relief exercises and stretches include videos for upper back pain, lower back pain, and general back pain as well as videos for the Lats, rhomboids, and quadratus lumborum. Watch as Doctor Jo demonstrates a variety of physical therapy exercises and stretches for back pain relief.
Back Science Mattress
When trying to find the perfect mattress to help relieve and prevent back pain, the main thing to look for is a mattress that has the right amount of support to help keep your spine in proper alignment, or a neutral position. The mattresses designed by Back Science are designed specifically to help improve overall sleep posture, keep the spine optimally aligned, and reduce muscle and joint pressure throughout the back and neck.
Back Pain Relief
This back pain relief exercises routine can help strengthen, relieve pain, and loosen up the muscles around the back and the hip area. These back exercises are done in real time, so it’s easy to follow along with the routine.
Massage Gun for Back Pain
Percussive Massage Therapy using a massage gun (aka percussion massager) for back pain relief uses fast, soft pulses over a short amount of time to get deep down into the muscle fibers.
Upper Back Pain Relief
Upper back pain can be caused when the rhomboid muscles get overworked & stressed. This real time rhomboid stretch can help relieve the pain.
Lower Back Pain Relief
Lower back pain can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Here are some of my favorite back stretches & exercises that can help provide low back pain relief and strengthen back muscles.
Favorite Lower Back Stretch
The lower back can be a hard area to stretch depending on what is causing the pain. My favorite stretch for this area is a knee to chest stretch.
Relieve Back Pain
These back pain stretches and exercises are for general back pain like soreness from overworking your back or if you've pulled a muscle. Check out the back pain section of my website for more specific back pain related exercises and stretches.
Low Back Pain Relief
Low back pain can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Here are three of my favorite lower back pain relief stretches that can be done lying down. 
Sleep without back pain
Finding a comfortable position to sleep at night can be challenging for some people. People who suffer from back pain and sleep on their backs might find these tips helpful to get a better night’s sleep
Upper Back Pain Relief
The upper back can be a hard area to stretch. Tight rhomboid muscles and other muscles around the shoulder and neck can cause upper back pain. My favorite stretch for the upper back area is a seated rhomboid stretch.
Trigger Points & Muscle Knots
Upper back pain or thoracic area pain is sometimes caused by trigger points or muscle knots. Trigger points are basically when a specific area on a muscle gets irritated and tightens up into a ball or knot.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis can press on the spinal cord and the nerves that travel through the spine. Symptoms include pain or cramping in the legs when standing for long periods or when walking.
Best Low Back Exercise
The lower back can be a hard area to stretch depending on what is causing the pain. My favorite exercise for this area is a pelvic tilt. It’s a great exercise as well as a stretch for the low back, hips, and pelvis.
Back Pain Relief
These back pain relief stretches are great for helping to relieve general back pain and back stiffness. The back stretches are done in real time, so they are easy to follow.
Modified Rhomboid Stretch
A rhomboid stretch is great for the rhomboid muscles because they tend to get overworked and tight easily. Many rhomboid stretches require someone to get in an uncomfortable position or down on the floor. This simple modified rhomboid stretch can be done sitting in a chair or on the couch.

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