These general hip stretches & exercises are simple, but effective in helping to strengthen the hip and relieve hip pain. This hip routine is performed in real-time so it’s easy to follow along. This hip routine is Day 2 in my Moderate 10-Day Whole Body Wellness Challenge.
These hip stretches & exercises are not only great for the hip, but they are also great for the knees and back.
For this routine, you will need a stretch strap, belt, or dog leash to stretch, and a resistive band.
Let’s begin with a quick 2 minute warm up to help get the hip muscles loose and ready to go. Seated hip flexion, long arc quads (leg/knee extension), and sit to stands will help the muscles get ready for the routine.
Start off with exercises lying down to get the muscles moving and strengthened. Supine straight leg raises (SLR), hip abduction in hooklying with a resistive band, and bridging will help activate the muscles around the hip to improve stability and decrease pain.
Then going into some full stretches with a hamstring stretch, IT band stretch, quad stretch, and a hip flexor stretch will really help improve motion and decrease tight muscles.
Finally, in standing, hip flexion and extension with a resistive band and squats at a chair are great exercises to work the muscles you have just lengthened and loosened up.
Congratulations on finishing Day 2 of the Moderate Whole Body Wellness Challenge. See you back here for Day 3!
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