Hip stretches can help relieve pain in your hips and your low back as well. For most stretches, you want to try to hold the stretch for 30 seconds, and do three of them on each side.
The first stretch is a pelvic tilt. This is an exercise and a stretch since it loosens up the pelvis and core muscles as well as strengthens them. It’s a great one to start with.
The next stretches are the butterfly stretch, the cat/dog stretch, and a glute figure four stretch. These do a great job of stretching muscles around the hip including the adductors or groin area, low back muscles, hip flexor muscles, and your glutes and piriformis.
The next stretches are for the hamstrings and the hip flexors. When these are tight, they can tilt the pelvis one way or the other causing pain in the hips and low back.
The IT band and the quads are often not stretched well, and can cause pain and imbalances in the hips.
The prayer stretch is a great whole body stretch as well as a great stretch for your low back, hips, and glutes.
The last stretch is for the quadratus lumborum (QL). People often forget about this muscles or don’t know it’s roll in the hips and pelvis. Don’t forget about this one.
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