Wrist & Arm Pain Relief

These wrist and arm pain relief exercises and stretches cover everything from tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and De Quervain's Syndrome to neural glides and golfer's elbow. Watch as Doctor Jo demonstrates a variety of physical therapy exercises and stretches for wrist & arm pain relief.
Wrist Pain Relief
Tightness & pain in the wrists and forearms is common if you work on a computer or with your hands for long periods. This wrist flexor & extensor stretch is a great way to relieve pain in the wrists, hands, and elbows.
Median Nerve Glides
Median nerve glides, median nerve flossing, and median nerve stretches should be done very carefully. Don’t overdo the glide or flossing movements because that can cause more irritation.
Wrist / Hand Stretches
It’s Wrist / Hand Stretches & Exercises Day in my Whole Body Wellness Challenge for beginners! This real-time wrist/hand routine is simple, but effective in helping strengthen the wrists/hands & relieve pain.
Radial Nerve Glides
Radial nerve glides, radial nerve flossing, and radial nerve stretches should be done very carefully. Don’t overdo the glide or flossing movements because that can cause more irritation.
Tennis Elbow Exercises
Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is an inflammation on the outside of the elbow. It often comes from an overuse injury. This video shows you my favorite stretches & exercises for tennis elbow.
Hand Pain & Finger Pain
Finger pain and hand pain can be caused by many things including hand and finger arthritis, circulation issues, an injury, or just achiness in the joints. These 7 finger and hand pain treatments should help.
Finger Arthritis
Finger arthritis can make it difficult to do everyday tasks, and it can be very painful. These simple finger stretches and exercises should help relieve the pain.
TENS Unit for Tennis Elbow
A TENS / EMS Unit can be a great tool for helping to relieve tennis elbow & golfer’s elbow pain. Here are some pad placements to relieve different types of elbow pain.
Favorite Writs Exercise
My favorite exercise to strengthen the wrist is a wrist flexion/extension with a weight. It’s great for the wrist, hand, and elbow.
Wrist Pain Relief
My favorite stretch for the wrist pain relief is a prayer stretch. It’s great for the wrists, hands, and elbows. This stretch is performed in real-time, so it’s easy to follow along if you want.
Wrist Pain Relief
Wrist pain can be caused by things like tight muscles, overworked muscles, or an injury. Here are 3 of my favorite wrist stretches to help relieve pain in the wrist and elbow area.
Automated IASTM
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) can promote tissue healing & help reduce scar tissue/adhesions. A common injury that responds well to IASTM is lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow.
Golfer’s Elbow Exercises
Golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is an inflammation on the inside of the elbow. It often comes from an overuse injury. This video shows you my favorite stretches & exercises for golfer’s elbow.
Thumb Stretches
The joint at the base of your thumb that goes into your wrist, the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint, is a very common place for arthritis to form. These thumb stretches and exercises should help relieve the pain.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is an inflammation on the outside of the elbow. It often comes from an overuse injury. This video will show you my top seven treatments for tennis elbow.

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