Purchase Hip Exercises WorksheetThese hip exercises are great for strengthening your hips to help relieve hip pain. They go from lying down to sitting down to standing up and range from pretty easy to hard depending on your injury.

The first hip exercises are pelvic tilts, bridges, and clamshells. These are great for strengthening your pelvic muscles, glutes, and hamstrings.

Then there is the 4 way hip lying down. This is hip flexion (straight leg raise), hip abduction, hip adduction, and prone hip extension. These are great for all the muscles around the hip including, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus, IT band, hamstrings, hip flexors, and others.

Now for sitting you will do a seated hip flexion and a squat at your chair. These are great because you can do them at work, or if you have been sitting for a long time.

The final hip exercise is a lunge. It sounds pretty simple, but if done right, it can be pretty challenging. You don’t have to bring your knee all the way to the floor, and you can use a target if you need one.

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