Here are some simple Carpal tunnel syndrome stretches. Wrist flexion and extension with radial and ulnar deviation are the stretches to loosen up the scar tissue that has build up in the carpal tunnel. Also you can use overpressure and the prayer stretch to stretch the tendons and vessels running through your carpal tunnel.
Your carpal tunnel can get irritated and inflamed when working on the computer for a long time or any activity that puts excess pressure on your wrist area. There are many vessels that run through the carpal tunnel, and the nerves can get compressed and cause pain and numbness in the hands. This is called carpal tunnel syndrome. Not only can it be painful, but it also can cause aching, shooting pain, numbness, or just stiffness. Make sure that you have been diagnosed by your doctor that it is truly carpal tunnel syndrome. Many times numbness and pain in the hands can actually be coming from your neck and be misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome.
The first stretches will be to loosen up your wrist. Make a fist, and at your wrist, bend your hand up and down, or flexion and extension. Then you can go side to side, or radial and ulnar deviation. You can open your fist and straighten your hands for an increased stretch. If that doesn’t feel like enough stretch, you can give yourself some overpressure by using your other hand and push in the directions your are stretching. Hold these for 30 seconds and do three of each. If you want to stretch the hands together, you can do a prayer stretch by putting your hands together and bending at the wrist.