Many times with elbow pain, you will be diagnosed with tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow is when you have pain on the outside or lateral side of your elbow or forearm. This is when the extensor muscles of the arm get irritated and it is called lateral epicondylitis. Golfer’s elbow is pain on the inside or medial side of the elbow or forearm. This is when the flexor muscles get irritated, and it is called medial epicondylitis.
These exercises will also help if you have been diagnosed with tendonitis or bursitis of the elbow, or if it is just feeling stiff or achy. Start off with your arm out and no bend in the elbow. Go gently first, bend your wrist down into flexion. Then bend your wrist up into extension. If that doesn’t feel like a good stretch, you can use your other hand for some overpressure. Gently push into the direction you are stretching. You can also push against a wall for some overpressure.