Hip tendonitis stretches and exercises can help relieve many types of hip pain. Hip tendonitis is a very general term basically meaning inflammation in any one of the tendons at and around the hip. Hip tendonitis can cause hip pain, which is usually gradual. It can also cause tenderness in the hip over the affected tendon
These stretches and exercises should help.
A hip flexor and quad stretch in the lunge position is a great way to loosen up the hip joint. When these are tight, they can also cause problems walking and pain in other joints as well.
A figure four stretch for the glutes and piriformis muscles help loosen up the back of the hip. Sometimes this pain is misdiagnosed as sciatica.
After you have stretched, you want to strengthen the hip muscles. One of the best ways to do this is a 4-way hip on the floor. This strengthens the hip flexors, hip abductors, hip extensors, and hip adductors.
While you are on the floor, you can do some higher level exercises. Side planks with a hip drop is a great way to strengthen the hip as well as the core in general. These can also be done modified if you are not quite ready for full ones.
Finally, this stretch/strengthening combination movement really helps with hip strengthening, balance, hip stability, and hip flexibility. Make sure you hold onto something for balance, and you might not want to try this until you are almost ready to return to all activities.
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