Buy Pes Anserine WorksheetPes anserine bursitis is when the bursa on the inner side of the knee, called the pes anserine bursa, get inflamed. Three tendons from the upper leg come down and attach at that area, so if the bursa becomes bursitis, it can be very painful.

These stretches and exercises should help for pes anserine bursitis and knee bursitis in general.

A great way to help take pressure off the knee area is by stretching your hamstrings, calves, and your quad muscles. There are many ways to stretch these muscles, but for this video I am using a strap.

Another great stretch for the groin area and the hip adductors is a butterfly stretch. The closer you bring your feet to you, the more of a stretch you will get.

Quad sets and heel slides do a good job of strengthening the quads and the hamstrings, but not overworking them. These are good to start with so you don’t irritate the knee area.

Exercising your hip with a straight leg raise, a sidelying hip abduction, and a sidelying hip adduction not only strengthens your hips, but it also strengthens your knees as well.

Finally, a clamshell exercise is very helpful to strengthening your glutes and IT band.

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