Sponsored Content: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to Thermotex for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free Thermotex Platinum and Wrist Unit to use/review. If you purchase the product using the links/ads below, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.

Click here and use discount code DOCTORJOX to get $30.50 OFF the Thermotex Platinum + FREE shipping!

Click here and use discount code DOCTORJO to get $20.50 OFF the Thermotex Wrist Unit + FREE shipping!

If you have a wrist injury or ailment including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains and strains, ligament injuries, and overuse injuries, then this video will show you 5 ways to help relieve this pain including using far infrared heat.

Here are my top five ways to relieve wrist pain.

The first stretch is for your wrist flexors and extensors. Start off with your arm straight out in front of you. Bring your wrists upward to stretch your wrist flexors. If you need more of a stretch, push up with the other hand. Now bring your wrists downward or into flexion to stretch the wrist extensors. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and do them three times each.

The second way to relieve pain is to use Far Infrared Heat. Far infrared heats the area with light vs. actual heat, so it can penetrate deeper into the area. A traditional heating pad usually only heats about 0.25 cm, but far infrared can go up to 6 cm, or 2.36 inches. It helps increase the circulation to the area to provide temporary relief.

The Thermotex Platinum and Wrist Unit are both great devices that use this Far Infrared heat therapy to help relieve pain.

Click here to watch my full review for the Thermotex Platinum, which also features more detailed info about far infrared heat.

Next you will do wrist flexion and extension. You can place your arm on a table or counter top, you can hold your elbow in your other hand, or you can hold your arm in the air. Make a fist with your palm downward. At your wrist, bend your fist downward into flexion. Hold it for just a few seconds and then bend it up into extension. Do this about 10 times each way.

Then you will do wrist pronation and supination. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees, and keep it by your side so you are getting the movement only at your wrist and elbow. Turn your wrist palm up for supination and palm down for pronation. If you need a little overpressure, you can use a hammer. The heavy end will help your wrist rotate further.

Finally, you will do radial deviation and ulnar deviation. Make a fist with your hand, and turn your wrist so your thumb is facing up. Bend your wrist up and down. Try 10 each way, and then work your way up as you get stronger.

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