Buy hip pain worksheetThese simple hip exercises are all done in the seated position and may help relieve hip pain and hip tightness. They are also performed in real time so it’s easy to follow along.

When we sit for a long time, our hips can get weak and fatigued. Instead of doing the exercises for reps, they will be done for time, 2 sets of 30 seconds. For resistance, a resistive band and a ball will be used.

Start off with a 45 second warm up of seated hip flexion, leg extensions (LAQs), and hip rolls outs.

Seated hip flexion with a band will help strength your hip flexors and your hip abductors together.

Then seated resisted hip roll outs work your external hip rotators and abductors. Now switch to a ball, yoga block, or pillow to squeeze into to strengthen your hip adductors or groin muscles.

Finally, bring the band down to your feet to get resisted hip internal and external rotation.

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