Looking for some great exercises to help strengthen your hip and increase hip mobility? Tty the four moves in the standing 4-way Hip with a resistive band.

To perform the standing 4-way hip with resistive band:

Hip Flexion:

  1. With the band anchored behind you and the band wrapped around your ankle, keep your leg straight and your knee locked out.  

  2. Keeping your back straight and upright, slowly kick forward, and come back.

Hip Adduction:

  1. With the band anchored beside the leg you are exercising and the band wrapped around your ankle, keep your leg straight and your knee locked out.  

  2. Keeping your back straight and upright, slowly kick your leg across your body, and come back.

Hip Abduction:

  1. With the band anchored on the opposite side you are standing and the band wrapped around your ankle, keep your leg straight and your knee locked out.  

  2. Keeping your back straight and upright, slowly kick your leg out to the side, and come back.

Hip Extension

  1. With the band anchored in front of where you are standing and the band wrapped around your ankle, keep your leg straight and your knee locked out.  

  2. Keeping your back straight and upright, slowly kick your leg behind you, and come back.

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