This 20-minute back pain relief stretching & exercise routine is done in real-time so it’s easy to follow along. Since back & hip muscles are often the same groups of muscles, it may also help relieve hip pain.
Starting off with a seated hip flexion, seated trunk rotation, and different arm movements will help loosen up the muscles.
Then beginning with exercises, pelvic tilts and bridges do a great job of strengthening the hips and back as well as stretch the areas out.
Next, go into stretches after the muscles have been moving with a supine trunk rotation, knee to chest, and a hamstring stretch in long sitting. These will help loosen tight muscles around the back and hips.
Now, go to all fours, or quadruped for a cat/cow or cat/dog and a prayer stretch or child’s pose.
Finally in a seated position, a thoracic side bend and deep breathing with a jumping jack motion will help the mid to upper back as well.
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