Buy the hip pain relief worksheetHip pain can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Here some of my favorite hip stretches and exercises to help relieve pain and tightness.

Wide leg trunk rotation, seated figure 4, and seated hip flexor stretches are all simple stretches to get started. They can be done on a couch, bed, or on the floor. These should help loosen up tight hip muscles and relieve pain in the hip and low back area.

Bridges, clamshells, and straight leg raises (SLR) are all simple exercises to start getting some relief.  These should help strengthening the hip, knee, and back, as well as loosen up tight hip muscles and relieve pain in the hip and low back area.

More Hip Pain Relief Videos:

10 Best Hip Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Hip Pain

Hip Arthritis Stretches & Exercises

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