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Heel pain can come from plantar fasciitis, heel spurs (or bone spurs), & Achilles tendonitis. It can also be caused by muscle imbalances or alignment issues higher up in the knee, hip, or back.

Stretching the bottom of the foot, or the plantar fascia, with a ball, foam roll, or frozen water bottle can help loosen up the area and take pressure off the heel. Then massage the plantar fascia. A fanning or spreading motion from the midline outwards helps relief the pain in the area.

Next, using a stretch strap, belt, or dog leash, stretch the calf muscles. The Achilles tendon that’s attached to the calf can also cause heel pain, so this is a great stretch to help take pressure off the area.

Then in standing, a runner’s stretch for the calf, and then the stretch for the soleus are also great stretches for the lower leg.

Finally, heel raises are some exercises to help strengthen the muscles.

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