These hip and knee strengthening exercises are my favorites, and they will progress from fairly easy to a little harder, so there should be some that work for you.
The first two exercises are hip flexion and hip internal rotation. These are a good way to focus on the hip muscles, but not with too much resistance to start.
Then you will do hip abduction with a band and hip adduction with a ball squeeze. These are also very important to keep the pelvis and SI joint in alignment, so sometimes people feel a little pop with these.
Now getting a little harder, you will go back to the seated hip flexion, hip internal rotation and now hip external rotation too, but now use a band at your feet. This will help activate other muscles and get them working together.
The last three exercises are a progress of sit to stand or squats. First you will do them without resistance, then with a band, and then with a ball squeeze. Make sure you are using correct technique for this movement.
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