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Leg pain and/or swelling in the legs can cause a lot of problems, and it can also prevent you from activities and even walking. Here are 5 easy ways to help reduce leg pain and swelling.

The first thing is to elevate the leg. It’s important to elevate it above your heart. This helps move the swelling and fluid back into your main system and work it out of your body.

The second treatment is icing the area. There is a lot of different opinions on how much icing helps. But in my opinion, it helps reduce swelling and scarring/adhesions. Make sure to only ice for 10-15 minutes at a time.

The third way to to help reduce leg pain and swelling is using compression stockings. The folks at JOMI have a great selection of compression stockings with different sizes, colors, and compression amounts for whatever you need. If you can’t get off your feet and prop them up, these compression stockings are a great way to help get your legs feeling better.The fourth treatment is an ankle pump. They are very simple and easy to do, and they are very effective. The calf muscle works as a natural pump to move the fluid out of your legs.

Finally, there is a straight leg raise. This helps activate all the muscles in the leg to not only strengthen the area, but to also reduce the pain and swelling.

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