Buy the Chest Stretches WorksheetIt’s important to stretch our chest muscles such as the pectoralis muscles because when they are tight, they pull your shoulders inward. This video has three simple stretches to loosen your chest muscles.

The first stretch is a corner stretch. Find a corner in your house and place a hand on each corner. Stagger your feet, and bend the front knee forward pushing your head towards the wall. Try to squeeze your shoulder blades, or scapula together like you are pinching them together. Next, clasp your hands behind you, and push your hands downward and push your chest out. Do each of these 3 times for 30 seconds.

For the last exercise, you need to lie down on your back. Cross one leg over your body to the opposite side you want to stretch. Put your arm straight out, and take a deep breath. Your arm will lift gently off the floor when you breathe in and stretch your chest.

Check out the 4:27 mark in this video for another great Chest Stretch. It feels SO good!

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