Buy Cervical Vertigo WorksheetCervical vertigo, also called cervicogenic dizziness, is a feeling of disorientation or unsteadiness caused by a neck injury or health condition that affects the neck. Here are some neck stretches & exercises that can help provide relief.

Starting off with some simple movements like cervical rotation and cervical sidebend are great to warm up the muscles around the neck and shoulder area.

Moving on to some stretches like upper trapezius stretch and levator scapulae stretch will help take pressure off the nerves in the neck area that might be causing vertigo symptoms.

Next, some simple isometric exercises like cervical sidebend and rotation are great ways to activate the muscles, but not make big movements that might cause pain or reproduce symptoms.

Finally chin tucks and scapular squeezes not only help loosen up the muscles in the neck and shoulder area, but they also help reset the muscles that are often overstretched from bad posture.

More Dr. Jo Vertigo Videos:

Vertigo Treatment with Simple Exercises (BPPV)

Epley Maneuver for Vertigo

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