This standing exercise routine for seniors can help loosen up and strengthen the muscles in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, and ankles.
This standing routine is performed in real time, so it’s easy to follow along. It’s a great daily routine for seniors or for anyone looking for an easy but effective standing exercise routine.
Start off this standing exercise routine with a warmup, head/neck circles, standing Ts, modified jumping jacks, and marching will get the muscles warm and loose.
For the first few exercises, using a resistive band is a great way to really focus on strengthening the muscles, but if you don’t have one, you can still do the exercises either with a soup or vegetable can, or a small weight. Shoulder flexion and shoulder rows with a band are great for the shoulders, neck, and back area.
Next, standing heel/toe raises do a great job of working the muscles in the legs, and they are great for balance.
Finally, mini squats and mini lunges are great for the whole body.
More Dr. Jo Real Time Videos:
Knee Pain Relief Exercises, Seated – 5 Minute Real Time Routine
Hip Pain Relief Exercises, Seated – 5 Minute Real Time Routine
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