Tinnitus is a ringing in your ears. For some people, this simple technique will stop tinnitus immediately giving you instant relief. Tinnitus can also be another noise like buzzing, roaring, hissing, etc.

Tinnitus is usually not a serious condition, and is most often caused by long term exposure to loud noises and aging. However, sometimes it can be something more serious like an ear infection or even a tumor.

This technique is quick and easy to do, and it may help relieve your tinnitus immediately. It might not work for everyone, but if you have a mild case of tinnitus, it is definitely worth trying.

After removing any earrings or other devices from and around your ear, grab firmly onto your earlobe. Pull up and away quickly, but not forcefully. Repeat this 5 times. Often the ringing in your ears will stop immediately.

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