Buy this worksheet.Frozen shoulder, technically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint from adhesion build-up in the joint capsule. Stretches & exercises like these can help speed up the recovery time.

Signs and symptoms of a frozen shoulder typically begin gradually, worsen over time, and then resolve, usually within one to three years.

Starting off with some gentle movements like pendulums are a great way to warm up the muscles around the shoulder and open up the shoulder joint. These can be done without or with a small weight and in several different directions.

Next, shoulder squeezes and shoulder shrugs are great exercises to help get the muscles activated and strengthened.

Finally, using a stick, broom, or cane to help with range of motion is a great way to get a good stretch and help release some of the adhesions.

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Shoulder Pain Treatment & Rehab Stretches

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